New Philosophy in Upstream Production
Breakthrough approach to drilling and management of oil and gas reservoirs
Strategy of the oil/gas exploitation is based on 100 year old philosophy that oil field is a GEOLOGICAL formation.
- Location of oil and water wells must be planned and done with a reference to the GEOPHYSICAL MODEL OF THE OIL FIELD
- Upstream production enhancement must be done with a view of the entire MEDUIM, within which the oil reserves is located
Commercial Results
Current Technologies
- Extracts up to 35% of proven oil reserves
Seismotech Globe Technology
- Extracts up to 80% in “virgin” oil fields
- Extracts up to 60% in “old” oil fields
- Needs 30% less oil and water wells
- Reduces around 30% operational expenses
IRR of any oil field managed with Seismotech Globe Technology
will be much higher, compared to conventional methodologies
Modern technologies
- Oil wells and water wells are drilled in a “chess board” manner on points located by oil engineers
Seismotech Globe Technology
- Oil wells located on points least sensitive to external impacts/influences
- Water wells located on points most sensitive to external impacts/influences
- Seismotech Globe Technology allows to squeeze oil from the oil bank like a tooth paste from the tube
Based On:
- Electro-Magnetic mapping
- Topography mapping
- Gravimetrical mapping
- Seismic noises (microseisms) mapping
Model is created
We know distribution of the energy within the MEDIUM
We see “pockets” of the energy and “voids” of the energy
Oil wells located in least sensitive points will live longer and provide high output levels.
Water wells located in most sensitive points will ask for less water to produce required results.
As a result, the water cut of extracted liquid will be kept as low as possible
Locate points on the surface that are most suitable for oil and water wells
Let the Nature do the work!
Special algorithm to impact most sensitive points
Trigger energy pockets to release the energy.
Energy distribution becomes more and more homogenous.
• Nature does the job
• Pressure in the oil bank goes up
• Less water needed to keep the pressure up and push the oil out
• Less oil disappears through cracks and rifts
Oil Production goes Up
- Immediate results (3 months after inception)
- Oil production 10-20% higher
- Extended life of the oil field
- Reduced operational expenses to inject and extract liquid
- Great value for minimum investments
Scientific Background and Credits
- Seismotech Globe Technology is based upon scientific discovery made in 1979 made by Prof Ikram Kerimov, Dr Physics and Mathematics
- Initial application - fundamental science
- Commercial application 8 years on three depleted and old oil fields, success. Acknowledged 700,000 tons of additional oil extracted. Reduction of water cut and operating expenses
- Technology patented by Prof Ikram Kerimov and Seymur Kerimov